Teachers urged to apply new techniques to improve Learners performance in Schools.

KISORO: Teachers in Kisoro district have been encouraged to Use new techniques to improve Learners performance in both government aided and private schools.
This was during the Teachers a one day workshop held at Seseme primary in Kisoro Municipality on Thursday, attended by over 300 teachers from all over the District.
The Muhabura Diocese Education Coordinator Rev. Hebert Mujabwami told this reporter that the workshop was to equip teachers with Knowledge based on experience on how to make their schools excel in examinations.
Rev. Herbert added that they (Diocese) are to conduct Teachers workshops per term, in a way of ironing out the Challenges faced by schools and to ensure excellent performance.
The chairperson of Diocese of Muhabura Anglican Head Teachers Association also the Gisoro primary school Head Mr. Augustine Ndizihiwe said that the aim of the workshop was to ensure that the performance of learners in the district improve.
He added that within the district most of the teachers are on the penal level that sets primary leaving examinations PLE Exams that are done by all primary seven candidates in the country every year.
Peter Ampurira, an examiner of English from Uganda National examination board (UNEB), appreciated teachers and School Heads for attending the workshop plus the diocese for organizing the workshop to address challenges faced in school.
He further urged the teachers to apply their given tips in their schools.