South Ankole Diocese Ordains 14 Priests, Six Deacons

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The South Ankole Diocese yesterday ordained 14 priests and six deacons in a mega event held at St Mathew’s Cathedral Kyamate in Ntungamo municipality.

In his homily, the South Ankole Diocesan Bishop the Rt Rev Nathan Ahimbisibwe  reminded the newly ordained Priests and Deacons   that they had  been transfigured into full time servants of God whose main duty is to go out and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Rt. Rev. Asiimwe appealed to the parishioners for prayer, support to the New Clerics, and asked them to warmly receive them for the growth of the Church.

The Bishop emphasized the importance of the vows they exchanged, serving God with undivided devotion, and  all believers without discrimination.

The venerable Rev Canon Joram Akoragye, Archdeacon of Rubaare C.O.U asked the ordained priests and deacons to follow Jesus Christ footsteps in order to serve His flocks diligently.

The Diocesan head of laity Dr Bildard Baguma and diocesan chancellor Hon Stephen Tashobya requested all Christians to fundraise for the new bishop’s vehicle.

Later the Diocesan education department awarded Leadership certificates to the retired secondary school head teachers including Muganga Joseph of Muntuyera HS Kitunga, Arinaitwe Emmanuel of Kyamate SS, and Lule Herbert of Rugarama SS for being good stewards.

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