PWDs in Rubanda call on the Government to consider them in the wealth creation programs

RUBANDA: People living with disability (PWDs) in Rubanda district have decried being left out of government programs saying that the government has overtime created wealth-creation programs that have ended up benefiting only corrupt authorities at the district level not going deep to parish and village level.
These said that due to their vulnerability, they have always had mobility challenges limiting their access to some places such as hospitals, worshipping centers, market places among others.
Rovinah Atuhaire 40, a craft maker and a resident of Rushekye A, Karengere parish, Muko Sub-county in Rubanda district told this reporter that in her lifetime have never benefited from any government program.
She added that she felt demotivated from involvement in programs as she tried to excess leaders at the district but kept on ignoring them when such programs came.
Atuhaire further demanded a ready market for her crafts and lauded GEP founder Evelyn Ninsiima Kikafunda for her continued support in buying her crafts materials.

The President and founder of GEP, Evelyn Ninsiima Kikafunda confirmed to this reporter that they have been working with local communities for over 15 years now championing sustainable development fronting every category of people.
Kikafunda added that the government has created good wealth creation programs though their impact is not so felt on the ground since the beneficiaries do not speak out.
The Uganda Bureau of Statistics Census Report (UBOS 2016) indicated that 12.4% of the Ugandan population lives with some form of disability implying that approximately 4.5 million Ugandans are persons with disability hence a development concern.