Patients at Bwera Hospital Kasese District sleeping on the floor, with limited space in the Maternity Ward.

KASESE: Kasese District based health facility Bwera Hospital is grappling with limited space in the Maternity Ward to admit the whelming numbers of both patients from within and outside Uganda, with some patients opting to sleep on the floor.
Speaking to westernpearlnews,com Dr. Clearance Bwambale, the Bwera hospital administrator said that they have no solution to the over clouded patients but rather engaging the government through the Health Ministry to make them an expansion.
Bwambale added that they are receiving people who flock the hospital from DRC on a daily basis which worsens the situation which calls for the construction of a Maternity ward at the Hospital.
“Today alone we worked on 38 patients only in the Medical Ward with the capacity of 26 beds with the biggest number sleeping on the floor. Big numbers of Patients who flock the hospital are from DRC on a daily basis which worsens the situation. We urgently need to construct Maternity ward at this facility” said Dr. Clearance Bwambale,
The pediatrician team leader at the hospital Dr. Morris Basabe said that the facility commonly admits patients of Malaria, pneumonia, malnutrition and cycle cells diseases are the commonest at the Health facility.
On a daily basis Dr. Morris said that they receive 2-3 babies with circle cells, on average more than 7 babies weekly are admitted which call for the need to engage communities by doing health education, Home Visits and Health education on discharge.
“We commonly admit patients of Malaria, pneumonia, malnutrition and cycle cells, on a daily basis we receive 2-3 babies with circle cells. We have to engage communities by doing health education, Home Visits, Health education on discharge to solve this” said Dr. Morris Basabe.
Immaculate Mbabu an attendant to an expected mother confided to this reporter that they have been sleeping on the flow for over a week which is a threat to their health because the Maternity ward was full to capacity.