Minister Musasizi Urges LCs to Uphold NRM Core Principles Ahead of Campaigns

State Minister of Finance Henry Musasizi (Middle) with Local Leaders at his residence in Rubanda District
RUBANDA. State Minister for General Duties in the Ministry of Finance, Henry Musasizi, has advised NRM local leaders to uphold the party’s core principles while seeking to retain their offices in the upcoming election.
Musasizi, who is also the Rubanda East MP and NRM Chairperson for Rubanda District, made the remarks during a needs and performance evaluation meeting with local leaders from Nyamweru Subcounty at his residence in Bushure Village, Mpungu Parish, Hamurwa Subcounty.
In the meeting that attracted all elected leaders from the 60 villages and six parishes of Nyamweru Subcounty, the Minister reminded the leaders that the NRM Primary election would be held in August this year, and the General election for President and Mps would be in January next year.

He emphasized that upholding the four core principles of the National Resistance Movement – democracy, patriotism, pan-Africanism, and social-economic transformation – is crucial for uniting the people and ensuring no one is left behind.
Musasizi also stressed the NRM’s Mass Line system of service delivery, which prioritizes serving all people without discrimination. He urged local leaders to avoid sectarian divisions and instead serve their people by emulating President Museveni’s inclusive government.

“If you want to be re-elected, work for all and seek support from all people regardless of what differentiates them from one another,” Musasizi said. “That’s how President Museveni has managed this country; his government comprises people from all walks of life.”
Similarly, Rubanda District LC.5 Chairperson Ampeire Stephen Kasyaba cautioned local leaders against sectarian sentiments during their re-election campaigns. He asked them to instead work together and use the opportunity of Musasizi being at the Ministry of Finance to lobby funds to develop the areas they lead.
“It’s illogical to depend on politics of identity, especially in Uganda where the population is largely diverse,” Kasyaba said. “If you ask people to vote for you simply because you’re Catholic or Anglican, where do you expect Muslims, Pentecostals, or atheists to put their votes?”
During the meeting, Rubanda District Assistant RDC Martin Turyagyenda presented a report on the performance of government programs in Nyamweru Subcounty. He noted that all Parish Development Model Funds allocated to Nyamweru Subcounty had been distributed to the target beneficiaries, with Kakyenaga Parish performing best in PDM fund distribution.

Turyagyenda also reported that Shs. 68.9 million had been distributed under the Youth Livelihood Program (YLP), Shs. 31.4 million under the Uganda Women Entrepreneurship Program (UWEP), and Shs. 68 million under the Emoyooga Program. The Boda Boda Emyooga Group in Nangara Parish was identified as the best-performing group under the Emyooga Program.
Minister Musasizi announced that he had hosted other two similar meetings for leaders in Bubare and Hamurwa sub counties. The primary objective was to assess societal needs and evaluate the performance of ongoing government programs ahead of President Yoweri Museveni’s tour in the Kigezi Sub-region, scheduled for early February 2025.