Kabale to become a City before the 2026 general election.



KAMPALA-UGANDA: The long-awaited operationalization of Kabale Municipality to a City status is due by 1st July 2025, before the 2026 general election.

This was disclosed by the Prime Minister, Robinah Nabbanja during her Question Time on Tuesday this week responding to a query raised by the MP for Entebbe Municipality Hon. Michael Kakembo.

Hon Kakembo pressed the Prime Minister on the timeline for operationalizing Entebbe City, referencing the 10th Parliament’s approval of new cities.

He added that the need to turn on these cities to help preparations for the upcoming elections and the demarcation of the constituencies.

Responding to the quarries Robinah Nabbanja stated that the Government in April 2020 created 15 cities in Uganda to be operationalized in a phased manner.

She added that the 10 cities including, Arua, Mbarara, Gulu, Jinja, Fort Portal, Mbale, Masaka, Hoima, Lira and Soroti took effect on 1st July 2020.

According to the prime Minister’s statements the operationalization of other 5 cities including; Entebbe, Moroto, Nakasongola, Kabale, Wakiso was due to July last year

She said that the process was hammered out in August 2020, when the Local Government Act Cap 138 was amended; requiring that midterm operationalization of Administrative Units and Local Governments only take effect 6 months before the general elections.

Meanwhile the Number of Member of Parliamentarians is set to increase from 529 to 553 after the other remaining 5 cities are fully functional by July next year.

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