Isingiro Ass/RDC Omujugujugu Moses Assumes office, Vows to fight Environmental degradation and to inculcate patriotism among the Youth.


ISINGIRO: A renowned Resistance Commissioned Cadre (RCC) of National Resistance movement Mr. Omujugujugu Moses has assumed his new role as the Assistant Resident District Commissioner of Isingiro District.

A total Number of 360 assistant RDCs were recruited under the new appointment structure recently introduced by the government, with every district to be with an RDC, Deputy RDC and two Assistant RDCs.

Speaking to this reporter Omujugujugu Moses, a Leader of Opposition at Makerere University 90th Guild Government said that he is headed to fight impunity, environmental degradation and to inculcate patriotism among the people of Isingiro District.

As an advocate of good governance within NRM and a legal Activist Omujugujugu, added that he intends to educate people on various government initiatives, including the Parish Development Model, youth livelihood funds, and women entrepreneurship programs both aimed at fostering development in the community.

Mr. Omujugujugu Moses will be working along with Mr. Mukama Moses as Assistant RDCs under Madam Ninsiima Adda as the Senior Resident District Commissioner Isingiro District Deputized by Mr. Aine Christopher.

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