Educationists told to join hands in fighting against school dropout and Malaria.

RUKIGA: Educationists in Rukiga district have linked an increase on school dropout rates to lack of guidance and counselling by the parents and the Guardians.
This was witnessed during the Teachers Music Dance and Drama one day workshop held on Saturday at Nyekunama primary school in Muhanga Town Council Rukiga District.
Speaking to the participants the District chairperson Music Dance and Drama Hon. Akampurira Oscar said that parents have failed at delivering the proper ways of parenting.
Hon. Oscar, also the Rukiga District speaker, added that the teachers and other stakeholders in the education sector need to put in more efforts in fighting against learners’ school dropouts and Malaria Disease.
“School drop outs challenges have shot up and the challenge is generated from poor parenting by the guardians and Parents. This can be addressed if all the stakeholders in the education sector come together to fight against It.” said Akampurira Oscar.
Hon. Akampurira Oscar further said that the Teachers Music Dance and Drama workshop was held with a purpose of preparing learners for the upcoming National Music Dance and Drama competitions.
“Today we were able to engage the 90 Music teachers from different schools and what they have learnt if well impacted to learners will steer a better performance in the Competitions.” Said Akampurira Oscar.
Mr. Julius Twineobuhugiro a teacher at Runoni primary school said that they have acquired enough knowledge and are ready to prepare well the learners who will participate in the competitions.
He appreciated the workshop organizers for highlighting a number of challenges that limit them to participate in the National Competitions and pledged to present a better team of organized participants.
“We have acquired knowledge that will enable us to train and prepare children that will participate in National Music Dance and Drama competitions and we pledge to represent the district well.” Said Julius Twineobuhugiro.
Rukiga district has 71 both Government Aided and Private primary schools with each school expected to send participants for the National Music Dance and Drama competitions.