Asylum seekers survive death in an accident along Kisoro-Bunagana Road.



KISORO: A bus belonging to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) transporting Asylum seekers from the DRC was on Saturday involved in an accident along Kisoro-Bunagana Road.

A serious Road crash that occurred at 5:10 PM  in Gasave village, Nyakinama sub county Kisoro district was involving Motor vehicle RAF 698C Toyota land cruiser V8 GXR and UBE 621V TATA Bus by Gimmei Richard Moses 50 a resident of Rusiza market in southern division Kisoro municipality/ district and left over 10 injured.

The victims include; one Karase a Rwandese national a driver of the Land cruiser V8, Erick Rwandese national a passenger in the land cruiser V8 and Hatekekiza Kamara Congolese an asylum seeker.

Others include; Musafiri Bikou, Ndashima Shinan, Mukunda Esiyeri, Gato kizza, Bonakira Baryanguma, Denise Nyirakwize and Twisinge Taburiya both Congolese asylum seeker.

It’s alleged that while the bus was from Bunagana carrying asylum seekers to Nyakabande transit center Kisoro, on reaching Gasave village Nyakinama Sub County along Kisoro Bunagana road, met an oncoming land cruiser that was driving on the right lane instead of left.

The driver of the bus tried to dodge it by moving on his extreme left but even the driver of the land cruiser V8 maintained moving on his right hence colliding head on.

The Kigezi Police Spokesperson ASP Elly Maate confirmed the incident saying that the scene was visited and documented and the victims were rushed to Kisoro hospital and the vehicles towed to Kisoro centre Police Station for IOV inspection.

Maate added that the primary cause of the accident was reckless driving by the driver of the Land cruiser who was driving on the wrong lane and that the incident was registered at Kisoro Central Police station on TAR 73/2024 for further management.

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