An increase in preeclampsia rates in Kisoro District pose an arising heart health risk for pregnant women.


KISORO: Preeclampsia, a serious condition that causes high blood pressure during pregnancy, is becoming increasingly common, with over 50 cases reported in Kisoro district in the last six months.

According to Dr. Bahane Emmanuel the Kisoro Hospital Medical Superintendent, preeclampsia disease has remained the most common killer disease that takes pregnant women in Uganda.

Dr. Bahane added that Uganda’s Ministry of Health has launched an awareness period of 10 days aimed at rallying pregnant women, to always visit health facilities and be tested on preeclampsia diseases.

“We urgently need to address the high blood pressure problem in pregnant women because it has become a most common killer disease in our communities.  The Ministry of Health has launched an awareness 10 days period, and we are going to use this time to educate women to always visit hospitals to be tested” said Dr. Bahane Emmanuel.

Dr. Bahane Emmanuel further said that preeclampsia disease is most caused by poor feeding, eating fatty meats and inadequate blood in the body amongst pregnant women. 

Uganda is slated to join the rest of the world to commemorate the international Preeclampsia Day on May 22, 2024 in Arua City, under the theme ‘Predict Prevent Prevail.’

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