A Rwandese couple arrested Escaping from Uganda after Killing an 83 years old man in Kabale


KABALE: The territorial police in Kabale have arrested two Rwandese allegedly for murdering an 83 years old employee.

The deceased has been identified as Geoffrey Twinomujuni Ntegyire a resident of Karujabura cell Kitumba sub county Kabale district.

The suspects now in police cells were also identified as Kwizera Desire and his wife Uwingabire, who were arrested on Saturday at Kisoro border trying to escape.

It’s alleged that at around 8 PM on Friday at Karujabura cell in the home of the deceased, with malice a forethought, caused his death with a hammer.

After the act, the suspects packed part of the deceased’s property including; mattress, an iron box, a Radio, a suitcase and bicycle and escaped unnoticed for what they had done.

The Kigezi Regional Police Spokesperson ASP Elly Maate confirmed to this reporter that the suspects were staying with the deceased as helpers and were intercepted at the Bunagana border by security, without relevant documents.

““The suspects were staying with the deceased as helpers and escaped unnoticed for what they had done but fortunately, they were intercepted at the Bunagana border by security and without relevant documents.” said Elly Maate.

Maate added that the suspects were arrested, only to establish that they were the ones who murdered the deceased and were transferred back to Kabale from which they confessed to having committed the crime saying that they were annoyed for always quarrelling with the deceased.

“The Suspects were arrested, only to establish that they are the ones who murdered the old Man. They confessed to having done so, because they were annoyed with the Mzei who always quarreled with them in the language they could not properly understand.” Said Elly Maate.

Police Spokesperson further said properties stolen were taken as exhibits and upon completion of investigations, the two will be arraigned before courts of law to answer charges as the murder case by stabbing was also registered at Kabale CRB 438/2024.

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